25 thoughts on “MLS on NBC

  1. las aficiones de seattle sounders, portland timbers, toronto fc y vancouver whitecaps son realmente muy buenas; incluso seattle tiene una afición que no tiene nada que envidiar a las europeas. A mi me gusta seattle por su afición, he visto videos y la verdad es que son muy emocionantes

  2. La MLS poco a poco crece cada ano la aficion crece. Yo creo que en los 16th ano que tiene la liga hecho muy bien. El Galaxy es le mejor club de la concacaf con Donovan, Buddle, Keane y Beckham. Jovenes como Brek Shea y Luis Gil tiene la atención de el Arsenal y yo a oído que le Atletico Madrid le gusta Juan Agudelo del Red Bull.

  3. Que tal soy seguidor de la MLS………pues soy guatemalteco pero solo te digo que si es importante la presencia Latina porque le da Fuerza, Pero el Americano comun le esta dando un poco mas de seguimiento principalmente con la seleccion Mayor de los USA. con solo ver q la Liga llego ha este canal de TV NBC ya es algo muy importante.

  4. tengo una pregunta, soy de España y por eso no tengo ni idea, ¿La afición al futbol en USA es o sigue siendo poca? para el caso concreto del DC united ¿La mayoría de la afición en el estadio es latina o hay también muchos americanos?…te lo pregunto porque no veo que el futbolse acabe de consolidar alli…solo por la presencia latina que, como los europeos, llevan el futbol en la sangre.

  5. @Kemiztri You don’t like anything from country? Simple. Do the following: Stop using this website, stop using computers, and stop using any medical technology or medicine invented here. See if that’ll go great for you. It seems envy and resentment matches their aptitude and intelligence. Ungrateful foreigner.

  6. @Kemiztri That’s because there are some ungrateful, self-flagellating immigrants who don’t appreciate having a place to live and something to eat. If they don’t like living here, they should stop taking in free social security and move back to the aluminum-built shack in grand Mexico.

  7. theirs alot of people who are born in US from immigrant parents that dont want to be american… americans are most laugh at people in the planet… i met so many hispanics who were born in the USA but dont want to call themselves americans???? being american is not cool

  8. lol so now im poor? someone from the DR is making fun of an American for being poor? this just gets better and better! what else ya got?

  9. Im an american,so im pretty sure that what I said in my comment about people born in america are american is logical,so thats one thing you’re wrong about.saying american women are ugly is you’re opinion,im sure there are some women that are ugly as hell where you come from. And if america is that bad, where in the hell are you from? dont make me laugh

  10. anything that an american says isnt logical… if they voted George W bush twice what does that tell about the people…. come on now; everyone knew he is stupid…. people from other countries were saying this… i said american women are ugly; which is true… they are ugly… its true americans arent that smart… but americans live in this LALA land that their country is the best yet their biggest murders in the planet.. yet they talk about fight for rights?? give me a break

  11. c’mon man,that’s all you got? atleast I put up a logical argument.trash talking about another country is just plain pathetic.show me that you have atleast the slightest bit of intelligence. “america is stupid,america is ugly”,please dont tell me your older than 13

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